1:1 Private session contact form Player name * First Name Last Name Package interested in * Select One single session 4 week package 8 week package Birthday * Club and level you play at * Parents name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Do you have any medical conditions? Please list. * Message Write down any extra information you feel is necessary for Nathan to know prior to him contacting you. * I hereby give my daughter/son permission to attend this academy. The academy will make every effort to ensure the safety of my child and I will not hold them responsible if any injury occurs. Any media taken at academy can be used in future promotional material. There will be no refunds given unless there is a 24hr notification. Thank you for Registering for the Pro precision Private sessions!Nathan will be in touch with you as soon as possible to get you locked into your first session, and to start your journey to become the best player you can possibly be.