Well this is exactly what you’re looking for. With no other girls only camp like this in Victoria, it’s an experience that your daughter can’t miss out on!

Other holiday camps tend to leave everyone feeling underwhelmed with the lack of intensity in drills, concepts being taught and the low level of coaches that are provided ultimately making the camp feel like a day care and a big waste of money!

Pro precision camps are the polar opposite. Nathan Poelsma and all his coaches take immense pride in making sure every player walks out of camp either learning something new, or feeling like they have gotten that 1% better.

but this camp isn’t only about on court skills as Layla Prince, founder of Empower hoops will be presenting a “Dreams to reality” workshop which is designed to equip the girls with the essential tools they need to turn their aspirations into achievements.

This camp will provide:

  • Highly detailed on court training focused on game skills

  • A one hour workshop designed to equip participants with the knowledge required to successfully set and reach their goals

  • A fun and competitive learning environment with an opportunity to make new friends!

Looking for a camp that builds your daughters confidence and skills all at once?!

A little snapshot of what Empower hoops provides

Pro Precision X Empower hoops all girls camp



When: Thursday 4th of July 2024, 10am-3pm.

Where: DVSFC (44 civic drive, Greensborough)

Who: Girls aged 8-17

(Maximum players who can be registered per form is 3, if you want to register more you will have to start another form)


Nathan Poelsma

Layla Prince